Unilever Sanrio Game on web

Unilever Sanrio Game on web

by from Bangkok, Thailand






Type: Website
Client from Thailand
Category: Gaming & Gambling
Style: Fun
Color: Purple

This is a fun campaign site customer reward for estimate 100,000+ customer who purchase Unilever products from 300+ store around Thailand.Instead of lucky draw, customers can play slot machine game on their phone to get different reward.The customer who have purchase over the amount can play this game and if they win, they will enter their address to get Sanrio product mailed to their home.User email and address are important information because this group of user have already purchase products over specific amount and viewed as medium-high income customer. Additionally, there is a submitted time, location where the customer shop as well as other information, which can be use to analyse the customers. The customer email and address can be used for remarketting both for online direct/indirect marketing for example emailing promotion and also for offline like sending catalogue to customer home.We build this site in 2-3 weeks and launch it in a month. This site serve 100,000+ customers around Thailand within three months campaign duration and bring a valuable insight to the Unilever campaign marketing team.