Crowdsourcing Week Arctic // Europe 2018

Sweden / Luleå

Travel to the Arctic Circle with Crowdsourcing Week in the exotic remoteness of Swedish Lapland. Europe 2018 will bring the latest developments in crowdsourcing to centre stage, focusing around trending topics such as Finance, ICO’s & Green Bonds, Energy & Sustainability, Innovation and CrowdGaming, Agriculture, Farming, Travel & Tourism in the Sharing Economy.

European and other international speakers from US and Asia will gather in Luleå & Vuollerim during this 5-day conference to share how crowdsourcing is shaping their industries and is transforming organizations today. Participants will have the chance to connect with top experts in crowdsourcing and crowd innovation.

Why Attend?

Meet Global crowd experts

Interact with the best minds in ideas, innovation and creativity as we come together for five days of collective knowledge sharing. Our speakers are crowd leaders and disruptive innovators who can help you thrive in the new collaborative economy.

Be where you need to be

If your organization is seeking digital transformation, you must be there and engage with thought leaders and practitioners in the business sector. Participate as a leader in the crucial conversations that can help you boost your bottom line.

Make a real impact

We’re paving the transition to a more open and crowd-centered economy. Do you believe in collaboration and co-creation for a better world? Want to bring about meaningful change? Attend CSW Arctic // Europe 2018 and start to make a difference.

Explore the Arctic

Untouched nature, the captivating Northern Lights, traditional teepee dinners, and dog-sledding – join us on an Arctic adventure in the quiet wilderness of two unique Swedish locations deep in the Arctic Circle: Luleå and Vuollerim.

Date and time

March 20 - March 24


€195 - €595


Luleå Tekniska Universitet, Rum A117, 971 87 Luleå