Digital Thinkers Conf

Germany / Berlin

Every case-study, every report, and every bit of feedback always tells us the same thing: speed matters.It’s good for users, it’s good for accessibility, and it’s good for business. But why are modern browsing experiences so slow? If technology is getting better, why are websites getting worse?

This workshop is targeted at intermediate to advanced front-end developers, web designers, and software engineers, or anybody who writes code. There will be resources and case studies for you to take back to non-technical stakeholders to help convince them of the power of performance.


Workshop includes:

  • Snacks and drinks during the whole day
  • Tea and coffee
  • Lunch
  • Paper and pen/pencil
  • Tips, tricks, and techniques
  • A bunch of fascinating little factoids and trivia
  • Lots of naughty little micro-optimisations

Date and time

February 07 - February 09


€393.2 - €845.79


Langenbeck-Virchow-Haus, Luisenstraße 58/59, 10117, Berlin, Germany