Web development and Javascript

United States / New York

Web development and Javascript

4 Sessions

  • Monday Jan 15th, 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm,
  • Wednesday Jan 17th, 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm
  • Monday Jan 22nd, 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm ,
  • Wednesday Jan 24th, 7.00 pm - 9.00 pm

Students will develop and apply the necessary concepts on how to create user friendly web applications that are currently trending for the marketplace. This course is designed for the beginner developer, having no prior knowledge in the field of HTML, Javascript, CSS or relatable frameworks. At the end of this course, students will have mastered the following:

  • Web development fundamentals
  • Native Javascript
  • Web integrated development environments
  • Current web development frameworks
  • Application development
  • Advanced Javascript concepts

Why take this course?

To this day, the world demands those who can simplify content and data online. Front-end developers study how people react to web applications and take on the task of developing user-friendly applications fit for the web. Therefore, this course is designed to meet the demand for current web designers and front-end user interface builders.

Will there be additional resources and homework?

Yes and yes. Students will be given weekly assignments in order to enhance their understanding of advanced web concepts and strengthen their skills as future front-end web developers.

At the end, what do I get out of this?

Students will receive a certificate of completion upon submission, reviewal and a passing grade of their final project. They also now have a project that presentable to future employers through their Github. This provides marketing substance for their future career.


Session 1.

Web Development Roots and Javascript data types of native functionality

  • Discover the background of Javascript and the DOM
  • Organize and IDE environment for web development (Github, Atom)
  • Define and replicate the components of an HTML skeleton
  • Link an external file to the DOM
  • Explain the concept of CSS, classes and ID’s with how it relates to HTML
  • Construct a simple styled HTML website
  • Define the various data types of Javascript
  • Manipulate the DOM with Google developer tools
  • Experiment with the console
  • Complete simple Javascript math examples

Session 2.

Functions in Javascript

  • Define the purpose of a function in Javascript
  • Analyze the concept of function arguments and the return statement
  • Explain scoping
  • Construct simple applications utilizing functions

Session 3.


  • Define and explain the purpose of an object as well the JSON
  • Analyze how JSON relates to the DOM
  • Create a simple viewable JSON model their DOM
  • Students will demonstrate the syntax of JSON

Session 4.

Advanced web features and final introduction

  • Define advanced scoping functionality utilizing the “this” keyword
  • Apply the bootstrap framework to their final project
  • Apply the JQUERY framework to their final project
  • Begin developing their final project
  • Students will be given a full class day to collaborate and review previously taught
  • Students will take the last course day to review how their final is being developed

Date and time

January 15 - January 15




Practical Programming (3rd Fl), 49W 33rd St., New York, NY 10001, United States
New York
United States