





Type: Mobile app
Client from Belarus
Category: Social
Style: Classy
Color: Green

IThanks is a personalized electronic system that allows citizens to send Thanks from person to person.The key featuresIThanks - social economic network. The life of each person on the planet is important. For this reason the product was created to improve lives of people worldwide. To change the world it is necessary to begin with yourself. We urge to be grateful to the whole world - and the world will surely be grateful to you.Key features:- IThanks is a great social network which provides opportunities to citizens, partners, advertisers and investors. - Using Ithanks citizens get possibility to collect thanks of people, gain recognition and money.- Partners are able to show their services and allow people to be grateful for that.- Advertisers get the possibility to find potential clients, get feedback and improve the quality of the service.- Investors are able to participate in the product which improves the lives of others.