Moodle Education

Moodle Education

by from Lviv, Ukraine






Type: Website
Client from United States
Category: Education
Style: Creative
Color: White

An analytics and management tool for schools in the USA based on Moodle. We (and our client) use Moodle as a framework to build many different kinds of learning and education solutions. At times, we simply re-skin the existing project, and it’s ready for delivery. The client is from Miami and has BMW, Stanford, and MIT, along with 100+ other clients using its Moodle solutions, which we develop.Learning how Moodle works was a challenge, because it is a huge, somewhat older, but still powerful framework for the development of education projects. Our client is, at the same time, also working on providing their clients with possible, non-moodle solutions based on the latest frontend technologies.MoodleEDU offers analytics and reporting services to education communities and institutions, who use Moodle as their Learning Management System. We help extract statistical data gathered in Moodle and present it on a single dashboard in the form of printable charts, graphs, and multiple formatted reports.