Enhancement of RedQuanta Mystery shopping platform

Enhancement of RedQuanta Mystery shopping platform

by from Noida, India






Type: Website
Client from India
Category: Advertising & marketing
Style: Big photo
Color: Red

RedQuanta is a global business transformation firm that helps consumer-centric brands run mystery audits to evaluate customer experience of their products & services. These audits have different goals such as finding the inconsistency between the expected and actual customer experiences, identifying integrity gaps, identifying the expectations of a specific customer segment, etc.These audits help the organizations in streamlining their processes, improving customer experiences and maintaining consistency of their services across regions.ReQuanta had an online survey platform where customers manage their mystery audits, mystery shoppers provide feedback and reviewers validate these feedback and generate customer reports. On this platform, administrators used to manually set mystery audits questionnaire for customers, assign feedback of shoppers to reviewers and assign mystery shopping assignments to shoppers.The main goal of the RedQuanta was to automate all these tasks of administrators.