Écoles de conduite Tecnic






Type: Mobile app
Client from Canada
Category: Education
Style: Modern
Color: Blue

Tecnic is a network of driving schools which teaches drivers in Quebec since 1985. Today, more and more companies opt to modernize their tools. Therefore, Tecnic wishes to leave out paper to use technology to its full potential. So, the company joined Nomade Solutions Mobiles to create a mobile app dedicated to instructors.In collaboration with Tecnic, we have developed an iOS app for instructors. Instructors have access to the folder of each student. Also, a detailed schedule shows the name of the student, the course number and more. When the teacher selects a course, he can see the course’s features. Furthermore, the page includes driving techniques, steps to complete the course and additional resources. In short, instructors have all the relevant information to start their day. The Tecnic app is easy to use and very complete.Moreover, the ultimate purpose of the app is to replace learning on paper. The company shows an environmentally friendly way of thinking. The whole app’s design is very efficient and resourceful. This way, instructors can provide comprehensive training for future drivers.To sum up, we are proud to be part of Tecnic’s company growth. The Tecnic app offers an educational experience of high quality to its students. With a mobile app on the cutting edge of technology, the company steps into the digital wave, stronger than ever.