Insiders Corp | Leveraging Technology in the Fight Against Counterfeiting

Insiders Corp | Leveraging Technology in the Fight Against Counterfeiting






Type: Software
Client from France
Category: Information technology
Style: Clean
Color: Blue

Our client Insiders Corp was looking for an Online Platform to help their clients to understand the challenges of online counterfeiting and brand protection. The objective was to discourage the selling of counterfeit products which is a trillion-dollar business, accounting for around 5-7% of world trade. This illicit commerce of selling counterfeiting products is costing legitimate businesses hundreds of billions of dollars annually. According to an article in the World Trademark Review, one in every four online purchases involves pirated goods. Insider Corp approached us for a solution to help them with making their clients aware of the threats caused by the selling of counterfeit products and the need to improve brand protection. Our team identified that developing a website to depict the counterfeiting data in various visual representations, including maps and graphs, and generating reports with the help of these data with a provision for in-depth analysis is the best solution to tackle the challenge faced by our client. So, we developed an exemplary solution based on these parameters with features like diagrams that are data-driven, screenshotting system, periodic reports, mapping and a web-based Backend Admin Panel to manage the content of the website. The technologies we used for the client side website include Angular 6.0.6, HTML 5, SCSS, and D3JS5.5.0. We utilized Angular 5.2.11, HTML 5, and CSS to develop the client side admin panel, whereas NodeJs 8.10.0 was used for the server side. The database was created and maintained using PostgresSQL9.6.7 and phantomjs 2.2.0.Our solution helps Insiders to demonstrate the levels and impact of counterfeiting to their clients, with detailed graphs and even with screenshots of dubious sites, which in turn helps the end users to fight against fake products of their own products on different marketplaces, social media and standalone websites.