Darwin Beats

Darwin Beats

by from Kyiv, Ukraine






Type: Mobile app
Client from United States
Category: Arts, music & entertainment
Style: Big photo
Color: Red

      Develop an app with the intuitive selection of musicDarwin Beats is a music streaming app to discover new artists and new music. The app is extremely easy to use. The listeners simply vote up or down the songs, and the state-of-the-art algorithm chooses best music matches according to the users’ preferences. And from the perspective of a music artist, the app enables submitting new music tracks and growing fan bases for free. Darwin Beats allows voting for musicians, forming global charts along with personal playlists within a few taps.Challenges completed:Advanced search optionsUser accountSocial integrationPlaylistsCommentsDarwin Beats provides the user with new music experience. Darwin Beats is more than a usual music streaming app, it allows sending and accepting friend requests from other listeners, following new artists, commenting, etc.