Open Market - Advertisement Managing System Development

Open Market - Advertisement Managing System Development






Type: Software
Client from United States
Category: Media
Style: Illustrative
Color: Orange

Radio broadcasting company Radio 24 had a need in managing multiply radio streams in different cities, simplifying workflow and resolving the issues of people working with placing advertising orders, checking their compliance with legislation and standards, monitoring the execution of tasks.Romexsoft developed OpenMarket web application, which allows to manage those advertisements and control the broadcasting process on different radio stations. OpenMarket gives an opportunity to see all ads, schedule their timeline and mix their positions depending on the target audience.The application provides flexible configuration of user rights in the system. That is, the system does not have rigidly defined user roles; each user can be assigned with particular rights that are necessary for performing the duties.Now, OpenMarket is used by 2 radio stations that have up to 50 regional substations providing an opportunity to process over 5000 ads per day.Time: 1 yearTeam: 4 peopleTechnologies: Java/Spring/Struts2/Hibernate, Bootstrap, JavaScript, AJAX, jQuery, JWPlayer, Solr, Apache Tomcat/MySQL, Node.JS