Caseshop CRM (Business value)

Caseshop CRM (Business value)

by from Khmelnytskyi, Ukraine






Type: Software
Client from Ukraine
Category: Business
Style: Big photo
Color: White

Customer-relationship management system is oriented on streamlining and complexity reducing of all production, distribution and logistics business processes with the aim to manage sales operations more efficiently. Integrated ip-telephony server in pair with  client SIP integrated to CRM provides high level of communication with the clients, improving their buying experience.Business value: Case shop CRM is universal client-centric business tool that compiles data from all range of available sales sources to the customer in order to streamline all business processes such as inventory, sales operations and customer relationship management, which leads to profit boosting. Such features as product structuring, important statistical data analyzing and their presentation in understandable way assist the client to make effective decisions, forecast and plan the budget, driving the company to the next level.