GlassFrog - SaaS empowering Holacracy in organizations.

GlassFrog - SaaS empowering Holacracy in organizations.

by from Toronto, Canada






Type: Software
Client from United States
Category: Information technology
Style: Classy
Color: Green

A SaaS platform that helps organizations to implement Holacracy. Holacracy itself is an agile organization structure that works perfectly for startups and modern companies. GlassFrog makes it possible to manage employees, their roles and responsibilities in a simple and visual-rich way.We’ve been working on GlassFrog for a few years already and implemented a variety of features: from UX improvements to complex integrations with tools like Asana and Slack.Tech stack: Ruby on Rails, PostgreSQL, ElasticSearch, Webpack, ES6, CSS Modules, React, D3, Jest, GraphQL, React Relay, Flow types, Docker, Kubernetes