CDIAC - California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission

CDIAC - California Debt and Investment Advisory Commission

by from Berdsk, Russia






Type: Website
Client from United States
Category: Business
Style: Classy
Color: Blue

Online reader and content editor that allow to publish content in epub format and read it online in Progressive Web Application.Content editor implemented on wordpress gutenberg editor and allow user: edit content and manage media files; manage footnotes and insert/update/delete it in content;manage glossary and insert/update/delete links on it in content  manage index and insert/update/delete links on it in content. Reader implemented on Angular as PWA and allow user: read content, footnotes, glossary, index; navigate over document by chapters or via table of content or via glossary or via index or via links; search by content, glossary, index; highlight content and save custom notes with attachments; bookmark chapters and save it in collection; download chapters as PDF with or without notes.