





Type: Mobile app
Client from United States
Category: Business
Style: Minimalist
Color: Green

Flibco.com is a leading private airport shuttle service provider with a passenger turnover of 1.9 million/year in main Western European countries with headquarters in Luxembourg.With a help of shuttle transportation apps developed by Ascendix, Flibco.com customers can book online or over the phone a private or shared shuttle minibus to get from their home or the nearest bus stop to any airport and vice versa.Flibco.com bus drivers use a single app to:Print tickets, receipts, and invoices thanks to EPOS thermal printing.Get real-time data about traffic and time estimation to group separate orders via TomTom services integration.Get customers’ addresses and plan trips more precisely with Google Maps integration.Also, we developed their website using Drupal CMS so now their team has a convenient content management system and robust performance analytics.