

by from Singapore, Singapore






Type: Mobile app
Client from United States
Category: Education
Style: Big photo
Color: Purple

Akler is a language learning app that helps quickly get the basics of a new language at just a few minutes a day.Tech stackBackend:NodeJS, ExpressJS, NextJS, RESTfulFrontend:React, Redux, AntDiOS:Swift, XCode, UIKit, RxSwift, MVVM, SQLite, CoreData, In-App Purchase, Local Notifications, REST APIOur roleUI/UX Design, Backend, Mobile development, Web FrontendResultsA turnkey MVP helping beginner learners grasp the basics of a new language fast.Efficient learning based on a spaced repetition system. It drills users on the words in a number of ways, so all their memory channels are activated.Complex admin panel — the owner can scale the app on the fly without tight integration with iOS development.Quick updating of vocabulary and categories due to the SQLite database implementation. This solution helps avoid lags associated with online updates.