E-commerce fashion marketplace for a Swiss company

E-commerce fashion marketplace for a Swiss company

by from Minsk, Belarus






Type: Website
Client from Switzerland
Category: eCommerce
Style: Big photo
Color: Blue

Cooperating with Arateg, the company wanted to build a web marketplace platform that would match local sellers of clothes, shoes, and accessories with consumers across Switzerland and nearby European countries. Our software development team built an online fashion marketplace platform that includes functionality for vendors and consumers. Partnering with Arateg, the company developed an e-commerce fashion marketplace that enabled vendors to deliver services across Switzerland and other European countries. By integrating the system with off-the-shelf solutions such as Fulfil.IO and Mixpanel, the client managed to cut down project expenses and improve time to market.Thanks to a microservices architecture, the organization achieved scalability and fault tolerance of its online marketplace platform, as well as reduced infrastructure maintenance costs. TECHNOLOGIES: JavaScript, Golang, Python, Django, Flask, Elasticsearch, AWS, Elastic Load Balancing, AWS Shield, React, Redux, Redux-Saga, Storybook, SVG, RabbitMQ, Redis, Memcached, PostgreSQL, Stripe API, Braintree API, Fulfil.IO REST API, Mixpanel. Learn more about this and other case studies on our website.