Customer web portal redevelopment for Photographer






Type: Website
Client from United States
Category: Information technology
Style: Big photo
Color: Red

The client had a web-based application with a complete workflow and CMS in the administration panel. It also included an eCommerce site where customers could order various photo print-related products online. However, the PHP 4 application has become obsolete. Furthermore, it had a number of performance issues, making it difficult to run business operations smoothly. As a result, additional human resources, time, and money are required. That must be replaced by a fluid software workflow. Because the website was designed to manage the workflow of photography, it necessitated a significant amount of photo uploading and downloading (Around 1000 to 2500 images). Uploading these images one by one is a difficult task. Due to the software's inability to handle large amounts of data transmission.The client desired to enhance an existing web application. However, even minor changes became complicated and costly. As a result, we advised the client not to invest in the old application. The client desired to conduct its business through the application. In Phase 1, we decided to improve the functionality. Then, in Phase 2, we begin building the new application from the ground up.