SeCan: Canada’s Seed Partner

SeCan: Canada’s Seed Partner






Type: Website
Client from United States
Category: eCommerce
Style: Creative
Color: Orange

SeCan is the largest supplier of certified seed to Canadian farmers with more than 600 independent seed business members from coast to coast engaged in seed production, processing and marketing. The ChallengeSeCan’s website was complex for both customers and content editors. There was a need for better & user centered design. As most of their customers are old aged farmers with very limited access to new & upgraded systems. Regular update in varieties and maintaining listing of all products with multiple filters was challenging too.The ApproachWe applied our user-centric philosophy to SeCan’s reimagined site, creating easy user pathways, while ensuring our design remains functional instead of just looking good.We started with the user flow diagrams then wire-framing and finally the mock-up to put life in the site. For the backend, we suggested to use the Drupal 8, as its a content rich site and nothing can beat Drupal here.