Music Streaming Website (Deaf2Radio)

Music Streaming Website (Deaf2Radio)

by from Frisco, United States






Type: Website
Client from United States
Category: Social
Style: Big photo
Color: Red

    This website provides a platform for singers, vocalists, musicians, etc to share their performances on the website and get feedback from the audiences. Artists and influencers can develop their music profile by uploading their tracks and integrating with their Spotify profile. Users can listen to these songs and rate them on various parameters such as Lyricism, Production, Instrumentation, Vocals, etc. Users can like a song or comment on a song. They can create and save their own playlists on the site. However, the coolest feature of the website is that the users, artists, and influencers get paid for rating a song, posting a comment, or bringing new users to the platform!