Kimberly Coaching & Consulting

Kimberly Coaching & Consulting

by from New jersey, United States






Type: Website
Client from United States
Category: Tech & Telecommunications
Style: Big photo
Color: Red

Kimberly Coaching & Consulting helped millions of individuals to live life authentically for over 25 years. She uses a coaching model based on real-life experiences to know about the individual’s history & then coaches them considering the entire case. The owner of the company is committed to giving customers what they desire as a result! Kimberly Coaching & Consulting wanted an attractive website fueled with bright colors and impressive objects to connect with the customers and help them live a peaceful life with a visionary mindset. She wanted a separate section to post all the mindful and soothing courses and free career coaching panel.We developed a sleek website with bright colors and a wide range of sections to share all of the mindful courses with the target audience. Our web designers & developers did detailed research on trending web designs to create attractive mockups to satisfy the live-saving coach. Kim was amazed to see the website & the perfect fusion of colors we used to develop her final product through which she can connect with more customers worldwide, offering them free mindful consultation.