Pricing: 99 USD / Month

Monthly subscription

Business Size: Big Middle Small

Platforms: MacOs Windows Web

Deployment: Open Api

Demo Access: 7


Ahrefs helps you learn why your competitors rank so high and what you need to do to outrank them.

Organic Search Report
Analyze your competitors' search traffic.
See the exact keywords for which your competitors rank in organic search and the amount of traffic driven by each of them.

Use the Top Pages report to see which pages send the most traffic to their sites. Use the Content Gap feature to uncover the keywords they rank for but you don't.

We have data for 150 million keywords in the United States alone (+ more for over 150 other countries), so you get the best possible coverage with Ahrefs.


Detailed information

Starting price: 99 USD / Month

Pricing: Monthly subscription


Business Size: Big Middle Small

Platforms: MacOs Windows Web

Deployment: Open Api

Demo Access: 7


Prices on the service website:
