Kodesoft Technologies

  • Design
  • Mobile App Development
  • Web Development
  • Digital Marketing
  • Swift
  • Android
  • iOS
  • Objective C
  • JAVA

About Company


We work with clients to understand their business and we merge their initial concept with everything the Kodesoft team knows about mobile. We’ll assess the possible challenges and identify the ways to overcome them.

Features & Architecture

We establish what features go into the product and how they will work together. Here, we’re drafting a skeletal framework for the app in the form of wireframes.


When it comes to first impressions, it’s all about design. We’ll put our passion for good design to work and based on approved wireframes we’ll design all screens.


The development process is broken down into sprints based on feature sets. Our agile-based development process will allow you to regularly review and assess what we’re building.

Quality Assurance

Our Quality Assurance team will test the app after each development sprint and once all major functionality is implemented, we’ll prepare a Beta Build.

Kodesoft works in development sprints so you can see the progress in real-time and offer feedback – We want to make sure you get exactly what you want. That’s why we work in short development “sprints.” You’ll be able to see the progress at the end of each two-week period to offer your feedback and make sure the product matches your vision.

Kodesoft’s approach balances functionality and design – We have designers and developers because we understand the importance of both of those elements. Our team has a lot of experience in working together to deliver beautiful, functional applications; we’ll make these factors work together for you instead of forcing you to choose one over the other.