Pricing: 99.95 USD / month

Monthly subscription

Business Size: Big Middle Small

Platforms: iPhone / iPad Android Linux MacOs Windows Web

Deployment: Cloud

Demo Access: 14


SEMrush now helps users fix technical website issues, improve the health of their backlink profile, and track local rankings on both mobile and desktop.

Optimize your online store from every angle
Audit your site to correct meta information and make your content unique. Get backlink ideas and other recommendations. Research keywords and borrow them from competitors. Track positions on daily basis and find out competitors, who rank with your keywords.

Take your ad campaigns to the next level
Explore PLA copies and the keywords triggering them. Create ad text directly in the SEMrush interface. Cross-match negative keywords to stay on budget. Use proven techniques to optimize your CPC and get more conversions for less money.

Manage social media and reputation online
Take care of your brand reputation by monitoring and responding to customer reviews in a timely manner. Find topics that people search and content ideas for your site. One-click posting to multiple social media directly from the SEMrush interface.


Detailed information

Starting price: 99.95 USD / month

Pricing: Monthly subscription


Business Size: Big Middle Small

Platforms: iPhone / iPad Android Linux MacOs Windows Web

Deployment: Cloud

Demo Access: 14


Prices on the service website:
