Pricing: USD

Price on request

Business Size: Middle Small

Platforms: MacOs Windows Web

Deployment: Hosting Cloud

Demo Access: 14


Best For
Any company that creates, produces or publishes confidential, sensitive or revenue-generating content in the form of documents, images or video including Associations, Research, Standards & Education.

Product Details
Vitrium provides an easy-to-use and secure Virtual Data Room to securely share trade secrets, deals, intellectual property and confidential data only with authorized clients, partners and other key stakeholders. Simply drag & drop files to upload and apply layers of security, grant permission to authorized users, securely distribute and track how your content are being used. Give/ revoke access to files anytime online & offline without any plugins/apps.



Detailed information

Starting price: USD

Pricing: Price on request

Country: Canada

Business Size: Middle Small

Platforms: MacOs Windows Web

Deployment: Hosting Cloud

Demo Access: 14


Prices on the service website:
