
ZipRecruiter makes it easy for your staffing agency to find quality candidates, fast. 

How ZipRecruiter Works

1. Send Your Job to Top Sites with One Click
Our customizable templates make it easy to write your job description. Then, with just one click, we send your job out to 100+ top job sites.
2. Get Instantly Matched
Our powerful matching technology scans thousands of resumes to find candidates with the right skills, education, and experience for your job — then actively invites them to apply.
3. Invite to Apply
Use this feature to automatically send a pre-written, personal message to your favorite candidates — so they’re more likely to apply to your job.
4. Receive Great Candidates
Our smart, easy-to-use dashboard helps you sort, review, and rate your candidates. We learn from your ratings and send you similar applicants to the ones you liked.
5. Hire and Repeat
You’re never locked-in to 30 day job posts. So, when you’re ready to post another job, simply close the filled position and replace it with a new job.

Included Features for Smarter Hiring

Screening Questions
Save time and see only the most qualified candidates by adding screening questions to your job post.
Hire on the go! Your job looks great on our #1 rated job search app. Plus, you can review your candidates and more — from anywhere!
Premium Customer Support
Need assistance? Call, email, or chat live with a real person who’s happy to help you get the most out of ZipRecruiter.


Detailed information

Starting price: USD

Pricing: Free Price on request

Country: US

Business Size: Big Middle Small

Platforms: Web

Deployment: Cloud

Demo Access:


Prices on the service website:
